Repainting my Cygnar dudes
I'll post an update on the Sons of Medusa in a day or so to show you progress on them, but until that time, here is an interlude.
So it turns out of you paint nothing but bright green for a number of weeks you go completely insane.
Like stark raving mad, clawing your eyes out in horror crazy. That green is such an unforgiving colour that it's easy to burn out on it.... also I ran out of green during the week and haven't been into the store to get anymore yet.
So, these guys were painted years ago. I had decided, in all my super cleverosity (YES CLEVEROSITY!) to paint them gold and purple and have a Laelese force using Cygnar models. I was trying to be zany and different, no Cygnar blue for me.
Secondly, if i expand the army to include more signature Cygnar stuff its going to look wacky with blue lightning towers on purple models. (Also, obvious Cygnar symbols made my original idea a bit daft)
So all I did was repaint the purple sections Blue and touch up some of the details. The blue is the citadel foundation blue, with regal blue and a tiny amount of ultramarines blue. I want to keep the blue darker than is traditional for Cygnar.... I just like that look more.
Also of note is the attempt at "wet blending" on the shields. My friend ben over at Bellum Malleus mentioned wet blending to me a while ago and i thought i would give it a go. I started with orange/brown mix on the bottom of the Cygnar swan and wet blended in golden yellow. Touched off with some bad moon yellow on the top half. I think it worked out well for an experiment.
I'm leaving basing these guys for a while until I come up with an idea for the whole force.
So, I have 4 Warjacks and 16 more infantry to paint in this force, but I'll just use them as a side project when the over whelming mountains of green start to wear me down.......
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