So I completely reworked it into a card driven system that use's building, trading a resource management. The rules are below, and all the resources for the new system are in this folder.
Please note, that like most things in this campaign, this is entirely off the top of my head and has undergone zero play-testing whatsoever at this time.
In this article, i've posted sample cards. These are not all the cards in the deck, but all the common cards are there (with the yellow saber marking)
Here is the updated logistic command, note the new head of manufacturing job, and production areas, as well as contracts. Also, smugglers have been moved to their own board.

Phases for Logistics command
1. Replenish supplies and income
2. Commander actions
3. Assign smugglers, escorts and make smuggling rolls
4. Purchase supplies
5. Assign supplies to chief of staff
6. End phase
- Place a number of “Credits” cards on the logistic board equal to the current income value
- Then place basic resource cards equal to the manufacturing values for each basic resources in the production pool
- Layout the trading map
- Shuffle the common, illicit and rebel decks
- Deal out facedown common cards equal to the yellow boxes on each planet, illicit cards equal to the red boxes, and rebel cards equal to the green boxes
- Shuffle each planet deck and deal one card face up on top of the stack
- Deal out cards as described above to the local supply. Add cards for the planets Kronos, Cahn and Solitude X if the Rebels have established a diplomatic station there and have more influence than the Empire on that world. Place these cards face up
The Director of Logistics, Head of Manufacturing and Head of Finances may do the following actions
- Long term investment. Make a mental roll. You may then increase your income by one point. The cost of this improvement is the new income score in Galactic credits. This cost is reduced by 5 for each triumph, 2 for each success, 1 for each advantage to a minimum of one credit. The cost is increased by 5 for each despair, 2 for each failure, and 1 for each disadvantage. (Director, Finances only)
- Short term financing. Costs one galactic credit to take this action. Make a mental roll. Gain galactic credits equal to (5 for each triumph, 2 for each success, 1 for each advantage) divided by two. (Director, Finances only)
- Support smugglers. Make a hard mental roll. Each success adds one boost dice to each smuggling roll this turn, each triumph adds one skill dice to each roll. (Director only)
- Improve manufacturing capacity. Make a mental roll. You may then increase your manufacturing capacity in one area by one point. The cost of this improvement is the new score times five in Galactic credits. This cost is reduced by 5 for each triumph, 2 for each success, 1 for each advantage to a minimum of one credit. The cost is increased by 5 for each despair, 2 for each failure, and 1 for each disadvantage. (Director, manufacturing only)
- Enforced overtime. Make a mental roll. You may improve the production of an number of manufacturing areas by one equal to (5 for each triumph, 2 for each success, 1 for each advantage) divided by two. No area may improve production by more than one each turn. (Director, manufacturing only)
- Assign each smuggler in your smuggling pool to one planet. Only one smuggler may visit each planet per turn.
- Consult fighter command on escorts. If a squadron is on escort duty it is used for this turn. This action does not cost any resource cards.
- Each fighter assigned to the mission allows one reroll of the despair dice on a mission failure at the cost of the fighter being destroyed.
- Make a smuggling roll, if you fail roll the despair dice and check the results. Then end that smugglers action. The difficulty is based on the wold visited, one for low risk worlds, two for medium risk worlds, and three for high risk worlds.
- If you pass move to the next phase. For each triumph or two success rolled gain one galactic credit.
- Players with rich characters now receive one galactic credit each. They may give this to logistics command and receive one clout. Or they may hold on to it and use it later.
- Reveal all supply cards on each world visited
- Purchase cards in any order.
- You may purchase any cards from the local supply at the listed cost
- You may purchase any cards from the production pool facilities at the listed cost
- You may purchase any cards on successful visited worlds up to your ship carrying limit. Resolve immediately cards and contracts do not count towards this limit.
- A HWK or Firespray can carry two cards, other light transports three cards, and a GR-75 five cards
- Place all purchased cards into your stores
- Rich players with credits may now purchase supplies from the local supply or manufacturing if any remain.
- Decide which cards you are making available this turn and give them to the Chief of Staff. He will manage their expenditure in consultation with the command staff
- Rich players may give their purchased cards to the Chief of staff or send them to the stockpile. They may not keep resources between turns.
- Any cards you do not give to the chief of staff go into your stockpile and may be used again next turn. This includes unspent galactic credits.
End Phase
- Any unpurchased cards from manufacturing go back to the deck
- All cards unpurchased from local supply go back to their decks
- All cards unpurchased from planets go back to their decks
- Trade map is removed from the board.
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