Seriously, I love just about everything to do with this guy. Check out that hat and coat, nothing says "I AM A BADASS LONER WHO LIVES BY HIS OWN RULES" like a dust coat and puritan hat.
And that gun!
Who needs a revolver that big I ask you?
Harlan Versh does so that he can punish the infidels and burn villages of Menoth scum to the ground.
A little splash of colour on his waistcoat completes the look.
In game, Harlan can be awesome or a waste of space. If your opponent uses a lot of buff spells hes dynamite. If not, he just another mook with a gun. (A well dressed mook with a cool looking gun though)
Piper Sucks
His problem is that this model is old and a very shitty sculpt.
I hated painting him and pretty much gave up 75% of the way through. As you can see its not my finest work.
I don't know what it is but this guy almost single handedly killed my desire to paint.
Next week
My painting demon returns with a vengeance and I shall give you Major Haley..... and her pretty as robe of swirliness!
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