Short stories are a pain to review. I don’t want to overcook
each story, because I’ll be here for an ice age. But I don’t want to gloss over
them too quickly, so let’s see how this goes.
Honestly though, this short story compilation was pretty
flat. Tales of Heresy had many good stories, but this compilation, well…… a lot
of it felt like filler.
Two stories stand head and shoulders above the rest in this
compilation, but I’ll let you wonder what those are without spelling it out
It’s not that they were all bad stories in this book; some
of them were quite interesting. But several of them were just an extra
brush-stroke in the background painting of the Horus Heresy, while others
seemed relatively pointless or even harmful to the world building.
And remember, spoilers abound in these reviews. If you don’t
want spoilers, go elsewhere.
Rules of Engagement
I guess this story, or a story like it had to appear at some
The origins of this meme :) |
This story really annoyed me because it pulled the old “bait
and switch” on me. I don’t like “but it was all a dream” type stories, and this
enders game-esque series of simulations boils down to that.
When your entire story is about simulations, that means nothing
real happened.
At first you are led to believe that the “new rules of
warfare” from Gulliam, (aka the codex astartes) is helping the protagonist (who
I will call Ender) win a series of nail-biting encounters in Ultramar. There’s
even a scene where one of his subordinates gets entirely bent out of shape
because he thinks lives are being thrown away needlessly. But of course, Ender
wins the wargame using his awesome strategy and everyone hi-fives him.
There are multiple engagements that Ender wins, until he
loses to a “Sons of Horus” army led by Horus himself, or Gulliman cosplaying as
Horus….. whatever. The lesson being, that the Codex is awesome and stuff, but
Gulliman is more awesome.
To me, this isn’t a short story, it’s fan service. And it’s
bad fan service.
Considering the last thing of McNeills I read was “A
Thousand sons”, which in my opinion is his best work. I was really let down by
this story.
Lair’s due
I quite like James Swallow as an author, but I feel he has
been let down by the material he has been given to write. Secondary stories and
side paths, what he does really well is “the horrors of the warp” as shown in
This story has none of that, and it’s one of those stories
that bugs me. Not because of how well it’s written, because the writing is
fine. But because of the elitist assumptions it operates under.
In this story, one Alpha Legion operative moves to a world,
does some stuff and the world falls to Horus out of hysteria and fear. My issue
is that it’s simply too easy for him, and you never feel like his plans are in
danger. The locals are, almost without exception, presented as sub-normal hicks
completely lacking in cognitive reasoning skills.
The locals fall to in-fighting and side with Horus because of a few tricks the
agent pulls with their communications. But it relies on assuming the people in
a backwater planet are all idiots. There is one particular scene where a local
man accidentally kills another one because of his panic, and then lynching’s
I just don’t buy it. People can be dumb, but the dumbness of
everyone involved was so amplified that it destroyed the believability of the
story. In short, backwater hicks are retarded, so you can tell them a few lies
and they will do exactly what you want, each and every time. That’s the hubris
of an urban writer looking down on small town people if ever I saw it.
As an adenda, this short story is essentially a rewrite of a twilight zone episode.
Forgotten Sons
Nick Kyne. I’ve never read anything of his before, but a
quick scan of his background shows that he’s a “go to guy” for writing stuff
about the Salamanders. And to be honest, we are 16 books in to the series and
diddly squat has been said about them, so I was excited to see that a
Salamander character was going to be one of the three protagonists.
Well, I thought there were going to be three protagonists, a
Remembrancer, an Ultramarine and a Salamander, but it turned out that the
Remembrancer was simply a “woman in a refrigerator” a trope I find lazy and
So, this story is an odd one. The two main characters are
pretty flat, and the Ultramarine in particular is a complete ass of a man. It’s
meant to be about a negotiation, but the marines suck at negotiation, so it
ends up being a scrap between the Marine characters, an Iron Warrior and an
assassin/shapeshifter thing.
The twists in the plot are painfully obvious as well, OH
Unlikeable bland characters, a female character introduced
and killed for some thin character development, a cliché t-1000 fight and a
predictable outcome to the story. I also still have no idea why the Salamander
dies at the end……
By this stage of the short story compilation, I was feeling
very let down. None of the stories so far have been good. I was starting to get
annoyed, but I pushed on and…
The Last Remembrancer
Just when you think you’ve read enough lazy fiction, you
stumble across and excellently constructed story that is engaging, thought
provoking and well written.
It pays attention to my golden rules of short story writing.
- ·
Don’t try to do too much,
- ·
Focus on a few characters only,
- ·
Explore one central theme well.
In the last remembrancer, we have three core characters, two
of which we are already familiar with. This helps out immersion into the story
immediately, we know the “half-heard” from the first four books, and Dorn is
reasonably well established by this point in the series. So two established
characters are meeting a third new character to hear his story.
It’s such a simple setup but it works incredibly well.
The central theme is this, the greatest remembrancer of the
order (Voss) has returned to Terra in a ship clearly sent by the Warmaster.
Dorn and Qruze go to interrogate him, to see if he’s a spy or has been turned.
The beauty of the story is that he hasn’t been turned, not
as such. But his message is that the imperium they have fought for is already
dead because the necessities of war have already curtailed freedom of
expression, and it is a powerful one. It has resonance with our current
condition, as a lot of good sci-fi does, as we tackle the issues of information
security, personal freedoms, terrorism and fear in our society.
The line explaining the Warmasters motivations for sending
Voss back is especially good. “He wanted you to feel the ideals of the past
dying in your hands”. Dorn is stuck with an uncomfortable paradox, let Voss go
and risk his truths creating more fear and unrest, or murder an innocent man
simply because his truths are bad for the war effort.
Symbolically, the ideals of the imperial truth die with a
single sword blow.
Can we please get Kharn’s character straight for once?
Is he a frothing madman as portrayed in this story or by Bum counter? Or is he the guy who is calm and collected most of the time, using his
massive willpower to resist the nails, before occasionally losing it in battle?
Thank goodness for Betrayer and ADB is all I can say.
And does he have teleport? I mean, he seems to have bounced
from Istvaan to Propsero is a short amount of time, and then he’s out on the
rim near Ultramar in another book.
This story started off strong, a group of Thousands Sons
investigating Prospero after the Space Wolves levelled it. Ok, cool premise, I wonder
what they will find……
They find World Eaters and Kharn? What?
The whole point of this story seems to be to talk
ineloquently about the “butchers nails” in Kharn’s skull and how the thousand
sons could help him remove them, if only he wasn’t so crazy. The Emperor couldn’t
remove Angrons nails, which is why he essentially discards him in “After Desh’a”,
so how could this random thousand son solve that issue.
Oh, and for the final insult, the Thousand son character escapes and runs off
to fight another day.
I can’t express how pointless and incongruous this short
story was.
The Face of Treachery
Well, this story is a solid story. It’s not great, but it’s
certainly readable and it answers some questions that had previous been
unanswered. Which is what you want from a Horus Heresy short story, a little
more info, a little more of the world, or a concept explored that you hadn’t
The World Eaters are again portrayed as absolute morons, a
portrayal that bugs me a lot. But their stupidity is required for the story to
At least we now know how Corax escaped from Isstvan, and as this
short story is by Gav Thorpe, who writes the next novel about the Raven Guard,
we can view this as a preamble to “deliverance lost” (Which I haven’t read yet,
so I’m assuming)
Asides from the awkward World eater problem, this is a
passable, if bland short story. But at least it’s content matters.
Little Horus
When Dan Abnett writes, he uses a lot of repetition of
passages to get his points across.
“Of course when they
reattached his face” is only used a few times in the story, but it feels far
more frequent. I guess I’ve noticed this technique a lot more since Propsero
burns, where he reintroduced the dream sequence a lot and “wet leopard growls”.
When Dan Abnett writes, he can get bogged down in trying to
be too clever.
The core story is fine, as it deals with the recreation of
the Mournival and focuses in on one of the featured characters of the first three
Horus heresy novels. But I don’t really know what this story was about in the
grand scheme of things.
It was almost like a postcard from the Sons of Horus. “Hi everyone, Little Horus here, fought some
white scars, lost my face, been dealing with that. Got new guys in the
mournival, Abaddon is still being a toolbox. See you all on terra, love you pal
Horus Aximand”
It’s not a bad story at all, Abnett writes well, but I don’t
see much in this story. A little about him dealing with the ghost of Loken, but
that’s it.
When Dan Abnett writes, perhaps I expect too much from him?
The Iron Within
The iron within is a fun, if completely nonsensical story, featuring
the Iron Warriors and an impenetrable fortress.
Here’s some military strategy 101 for all you people out
there. An impenetrable fortress means jack if it’s location isn’t strategic and
it cannot be used as a staging group for operations.
The Schadenhold is on a planet that cannot sustain life, it’s
garrisoned by a small group, and it’s a nightmare to take. It’s akin to
building a super fortress on Svalbard, there is no reason to expend resources
to take it, and you can blockade/isolate it and move on.
It is also a military maxim never to be drawn into an
engaging on defensive terrain of your opponent’s choosing unless it is
absolutely required. I never felt the author overcame the reasons to take the
fort asides from Iron Warrior pride.
Get out! get out of there! |
So, after putting military logic to one side, this story is
quite a fun read as the extent of the fortresses defences are hilarious, it’s
the “mary sue” of fortresses. Like a bunch of sci-fi nerds had a brainstorming
session about the most impossible place in the universe to assault.
The real highlight of the story though is the conclusion,
even if it is exactly what Kirk does in “search for spock”, it’s still quite clever.
Again, it’s a fun story, even if it is complete nonsense.
This is the Maginot line..... the Germans went around it, not through it |
Savage Weapons
ADB is quickly becoming my favourite Horus Heresy author,
and this is a great short story. First of all, it deals with some side-story
issues we haven’t encountered before: The Dark Angels vs The Night Lords.
Secondly, the interaction between the Primarchs is really
well written. Initially you would think that Johnson and Curze are so
completely different that they would have nothing in common, but they explore a
kinship between the two that I hadn’t considered.
Curze and Johnson also have an epic duel, and Curze’s words
about the legacy of the Imperium and the Dark Angels role in the Heresy are
well crafted.
The highlight of the story for me though is actually the
interaction between the Night Lords and Dark Angels as they wait for their Primarchs.
It’s a nice reminder of how similar legions are, despite their backgrounds and
rituals. Astartes are closer to each other than anything else.
Great read, nice and epic as well as thought provoking.
PS. I hope Sevetar doesn’t become a “Lestat/Riddick” character the author falls
too heavily for.
Only 2 great stories, a few “ok” ones, and a lot of
forgettable material, only consider reading if you are reading the series, but
don’t be too worried if you miss it.